Twisted Survivor Org Wiki

Aroha Patrick Aroha Ella
Aroha Belle Aroha Jonas Aroha Aaron

Welcome to Tribal! Before you vote, we have some questions for you:

Aaron, at final 5, the endgame has arrived. Are these next votes going to be based on you're loyal and allied to, or who you think you're most like to beat at Final Tribal Council?

Patrick, the jury has remained in the tribe chat, but several jurors have chosen not to name exactly who they were rooting for or against. In addition, the jurors who have made their preferences clear may or may not be telling the truth, they could be lying to protect their favorite players. Would you say this is an easy to read jury where everyone knows who will and wont win at FTC, or is there a lot of guesswork involved?

Belle, how does second place on the challenge feel? does it make you nervous?

Ella, last vote was as divided as can be, ending in a rock draw. Are the next few eliminations set in stone, with the side that won the rock draw simply picking off the side that lost, or can the losing side recover?

Jonas, congrats on immunity! Do you think you needed it, or is it just nice to have?

Aroha parchment

Please vote using the above parchment. You will have 24 hours to vote, meaning votes are due at 2:00AM EST on the 6th of November. A reminder that you may change your vote at any point before the deadline, but your vote will be locked after the deadline passes. Good luck!
