Twisted Survivor Org Wiki
I honestly really enjoy my tribemates, they seem really nice overall and I feel like most of them will be these types of players that are social butterflies, and from what I can tell about Gloria, she seems to be a strategic player? Who knows, it's the first day and their impressions have spoken volumes so far about their character. Hopefully I can start bonding with Devon more through tomorrow's challenge, it'll be nice :3 Here's to hoping that I don't fuck over my game like previous games!


Gloria is like me! OMG she's like such a bundle of energy, and we're in an alliance 20 minutes in lol, but she is so nice. This should be fun lol. Also, I have my bud Trey, my other friend Dan, GLO GLO obviously, and Devon who I've vibed with, also I've got Aromal who's hosted me, so I feel pretty set. Hopefully this will be a Survivor game where I can return to not flopping and doing well again!


I’m playing with GLO! So naturally I’m already in an alliance with her. So excited for this season. I’m ready to get my second win!


Medha is amazing. I'm talking cross tribally since that's allowed, and I've never opened up to anyone about irl stuff. I'm usually not super out about my past, and she's super trustworthy, and I feel way better, because I haven't talked to anyone like that in a while. Hopefully we are able to work together in the future


Your boy is literally controlling this game and if I have anything to say about it, that scumbag LINUS is out first.

Seriously, this isn't a joke. He's hella dead weight. I don't want him anymore than I want communism.


Things are starting out great over here! I love a lot of my tribemates, although some are a bit outgoing for my taste 😂

The hunt is on for the hidden immunity idol, but I can’t tell what the answer may be...I feel like it’ll involve an actual location or whatnot, as it’s not a contestant (or or actual), or a #.....

If I can’t find the idol, the next best thing I can do is solidify my connections


Playing two orgs at the same time is new to me. I'm playing with Ella from Aroha in Main BB, and I thought she was in DI rip. In better news, I think I'm sitting well in both games.


So after a WONDERFUL night, followed by a decent morning, I feel pretty good about my stance in the game. Medha is my closest ally on the other tribe, and I'm in an alliance with Trey/Glo/Devon, and I'm in an alliance with Dan, so I hope everything goes well for me and I make jury!


I've got a strong alliance of 4 that I trust. I also have relationships with 2 other people outside of that alliance that trust me. That means if we go to tribal, then we have two people to choose from as targets. However, this is Survivor and nothing is final until the tribe has spoken lol.


That confessional was fully intentional. Linus is my target, this is just to lure him into a state of false security because he thinks I’m dank memeing. Yes, I want him to see the confessionals to manipulate him. He won’t think I’m serious about wanting him gone and then I’ll destroy him.


If he thinks I’m just copypastaing these he’ll think I’m just trolling as usual. Except, my strategy is using my trolling to not troll. Linus stands no chance. I’m seriously trolling Linus. I’m on a call with him right now so I’m putting on a show.


When you talk to the Russian but he won't respond to you but talks in the main chat 😣


So Trey really wants Dan out because Dan screwed him in another org, and idk about it, but I need to go with the majority. 😞 Trey is playing a bit too hard rn, and it is scaring me quite a bit


Did you see me tell my history with dan?We've played together. we were working together, and he and another guy made up a lie that I was cheating. I was voted out, and it was later proven that I was not. However, it was too late. I get lying. Lie all you want. Lie to me. Lie about me. That's the game, but accusing me of cheating out of nowhere and for no reason isn't the game. That's bullshit. We "buried the hatchet" he thinks we're working together again. Im probably not going to win this season, but i know he isn’t


So I think that it's Serh who is leaving. I hope that everyone is on the same page, because I need things to go smoothly. I'm SUPER excited, because I think I will FINALLY do well in an ORG again, because I'm in a really good position! Love you all, and I hope you're all having a great day!


Idk if I'm just being paranoid, or am I actually getting blindsided. Hmmm eveeything is too easy, Serh didn't even talk with me till now and when I started to question Devon Trey popped up online And he says that we are fine after Koror, but I'm keeping an eye on him.


{{quote|stonethrow|Dan is WAY too paranoid! He needs to chill out if he wants to stick around much longer! I don't get why he's so concerned even after we told him the vote was for Serh?? Bro needs to chill.
